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Any cancellations with less than 24 hours of notice are subject to a cancellation fee amounting to the cost of the scheduled service. Clients who miss their appointments without giving any prior notification will be charged in full for the scheduled service. We recognize the time of our clients and therapist is valuable and have implemented this policy for this reason. When you miss an appointment with us, we not only lose your business, but also the potential business of other clients who could have scheduled an appointment for the same time. Additionally, many times our therapist will be functioning in an “on call” status and can have traveled to the spa specifically for your service. For these reasons we are obligated to compensate our therapist for their time as well as make up for the lost revenue. This policy allows us to retain great therapists.
Clients will be randomly allocated unless requested
All gift cards must be presented before any services are rendered and receipt must be present.

Here at OMG spa we value good quality
and the best products, to maintain these, price adjustments will be made to certain services,
thank you for your continuous support
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